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When Guns are Not Needed – Other Weapons for Survival

Survival Blog 


As far as survival and self-defense are concerned, any average person will surely think of firearms or guns as their only means of defending themselves. However, if you are not a gun person or your firearms are simply not accessible, unusable, broken or lost, there is still a way for you to survive without the need to solely rely on this single weapon that can guarantee your safety at all times.



Blunt Objects


These can serve as effective weapons depending on the kind that you will use. Blunt objects can also be easily found as most of them are simply lying around your own house. Check out your workshop or garage for instance. Tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, sledgehammers as well as small lumber pieces can be used for defending yourself. Metal pipe, crowbars and the legendary baseball and other sturdy objects can also be perfect options.

Wilderness Survival Skills



Edged Weapons


Aside from firearms, edged weapons or blades are also great means of protecting. Anything from samurai swords to something as simple as pocket knives can be helpful for your survival. You can easily find all sizes and sorts of blades in the market today, with some being specially created for self-defense and even those that are not can still be of great use. As far as blades are concerned, knives can be perfect in tight quarters yet they can be of little help when you are far from your assailant. Swords and other long blades might seem a bit silly but will still put distance between you and your assailant. Just make sure that you choose blades which are strong and sturdy, not those products that are cheaply made and can break easily. Using edged weapons might require a skill to use them properly so practicing can also help.

Chemical Sprays


Mace, pepper spray and bear spray can all give you the assistance that you need. While these might not necessarily stop your assailant, these will give you the much needed upper hand and timing to better prepare yourself in putting up a good defense. One advantage of these sprays is that you can easily keep them close to your body and stash them all over your home. While firearms and guns can give you a greater guarantee of survival, their absence or your lack of knowledge in using them will require you to look for other weapons that you can use, including the ones mentioned above.






Read more about Best Survival Gear

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